About the Journal
Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies (JLPS), e-ISSN 2985-6051 (SK Nomor: 29856051/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/02/2023, tertanggal 17 Februari 2023) is a peer reviewed an interdisciplinary journal of language and pragmatics studies published three times a year in April, August, and December. The journal focuses on socio cultural contexts in Language and Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis, Book Reviews etc. The journal aims to provide a venue for language and pragmatics researchers to share theories and views in this area.
The Studies in Language and Pragmatics is dedicated to publishing innovative, authoritative monographs and edited collections from all micro-, macro- and meta-pragmatic linguistic perspectives.
Rooted in the interdisciplinary spirit of the Journal of Language and Pragmatics, it welcomes not only book proposals from linguistics proper but also pragmatically-oriented proposals from neighboring disciplines such as interactional sociology, language philosophy, communication science, social psychology, cognitive science, and information science.
The goal of the series is to provide a widely read and respected international forum for high quality theoretical, analytical, and applied linguistics and pragmatics studies of all types. By publishing leading edge work on natural language practice, it seeks to extend our growing knowledge of the forms, functions, and foundations of human interaction.
Research papers and critical thinking on the following fields are welcome.
Phonology; Phonetics; Morphology; Semantics; Translation; Syntax.
Applied Linguistics & Macro-linguistics:
Sociolinguistics; Language and Culture; Language and Power; Psycholinguistics; Language Testing; Language Teaching and Learning; Language Acquisition; Ethnolinguistics; Discourse Analysis; Language and Communication; Cognitive Linguistics; Sign Language; Forensic Linguistics; Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA); First Language Acquisition; Second Language Acquisition; Curriculum Development; Language Planning; Language and Other Sciences (Social Politics, Legal Culture); Review (book review, film review, IT App review etc.).
Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies (JLPS) in collaboration with Asosiasi Peneliti Bahasa, Sosial, dan Budaya (APBSB).
Current Issue
Feature specification, underspecification, and morphophonemic process and feature geometry of Amharic language
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English vocabulary mastery of electrical engineering students at the State Polytechnic of Samarinda, Indonesia
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Exploring the potential of social media platforms to foster cultural diversity and enhance intercultural comprehension among EFL university students
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Verb "giving" in Japanese: Review of natural semantic metalanguage
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Word formation of slang used in selected songs of SZA’s sos album
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Analysing Indonesian words "mencari ilmu," "menuntut ilmu," "menimba ilmu," and "menggali ilmu": An active learning in Indonesia
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