About the Journal

Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies

Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies (JLPS) e-ISSN 2985-6051 (SK Nomor: 29856051/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/02/2023, tertanggal 17 Februari 2023) is a peer reviewed an interdisciplinary journal of language and pragmatics studies published three times a year in April, August and December. The journal focuses on socio cultural contexts in Language and Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis, Language and Power, Book Reviews etc. The journal aims to provide a venue for language and pragmatics researchers to share theories and views in this area.

The journal covers emerging issues in Language studies, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis. Preference is given to well-researched papers that expand the frontiers of theoretical or empirical knowledge in these disciplines. It is interested in harnessing top-notched research in these fields worldwide and then making them available on open access to readers. The editorial board seeks to conduct high-quality research in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis through a thoroughly blind peer-review process.

Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies (JLPS) covers, refers to, and/or under the fields of sciences:

[51802] SOCIAL SCIENCES - Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences -- Linguistics       

[62201] HUMANITIES - Language and Culture -- Language Studies           

[62202] HUMANITIES - Language and Culture -- Literature Studies

[62204] HUMANITIES - Language and Culture -- Other Language and Culture

JLPS is indexed by
DRJI, Portal ISSN,
ISSUUORCID ; GARUDA, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, ISSN International,   Scillit,    CrossRef,   OneSearch,   Maktaba,   OpenAIRE,   OUCI,   BRINCiteFactor,   DimensionsRJI,   SemanticScholar,   WoS,   ESJI,   ASCI,   Root




Journal of Language and Pragmatics Studies (JLPS) in collaboration with Asosiasi Peneliti Bahasa, Sosial dan Budaya (APBSB).